Breath-work is a powerful way of getting into the body and starting to release cellular memory. This -- in our cells -- is where we hold emotion and trauma.
A lot of the challenges and issues we have in the world is because we’ve gone through traumatic experiences and hold these negative beliefs.
Using our body and breath we can dig into the cellular level and our subconscious - where 95% of these "issues" live. Using the breath, we can bring these memories and emotions to the surface and release and heal them in such a more profound way that almost any other self healing modality out there.
Here is a one minute long breath-work session performed by Courtni Allison. Put in headphones. Close your eyes. And really be with her for one minute.
We hoped that you've enjoyed this break from the rest of your day. Courtni was using the lingam bowl. Courtni will be bringing us a live session next month for you, our Ohm Store family.