Nothing exists in and of itself. Opposing yet complementary qualities are embodied in every being - dependent on the other to form a whole.
Yin/Yang, feminine/masculine, yoni/lingam, cool/warm, modest/proud, pleasure/pain, intuitive/goal-oriented, Moon/Sun, Winter/Summer, Earth/Cosmos, life/death.
Dualistic energies balanced to perfection. Our humanness is dependent on the ebb and flow; the merging of the opposites. Neither can stand alone, but too often we find ourselves imbalanced - out of flow, while our soul is ebbing away.
Recognizing the interrelatedness between the two forces at work - the greater our flow will be. Our authentic identity is a combination of nature/Self and feminine/masculine; creative geniuses, each a part of the other.
I want to tell you, it is OK to be both. I want you to understand that the opposites are essential to knowing ourselves. I want to tell you it is safe to be you. Life is incredible, know that you are Life. You are the merging of the opposites, the creative expression of all things. Chase away the false self and merge with the being you are destined to be.
*This is a guest post from our friend, Marizsa.