Using Singing Bowls With Your Dogs: The 9 Chakra Canine Energy System!

Using Singing Bowls With Your Dogs: The 9 Chakra Canine Energy System!

But unlike the seven major chakras of humans, doggos actually have nine major chakras.

Here, I'll list them so it's easy for you to track them!

  • Root chakra
  • Sacral chakra
  • Solar Plexus chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Throat chakra
  • Third eye chakra
  • Crown chakra
  • Sensory chakra 
  • Brachial chakra

The additional two chakras help dogs get a deeper sense of their surroundings. So, in a way, our fur babies have an intense connection with spirituality, even more than we do.

Perhaps that's why singing bowls won't hurt your dog's ears but heal them

Can You Use Singing Bowls For Dogs? Does It Hurt Their Ears?

The most important part is already done. You are the steward of a wonderful animal, and that animal brings so much pleasure and connection to your life.

This article is for those who want their doggos to feel the same relaxation and tranquility that a singing bowl makes you feel.

We will outline the effects of singing bowls on dogs, the perfect times to use them, and how to do so without any hassle to you or your doggo.

All set? Let's woof in!

Do Dogs Like Singing Bowls?

Yes, dogs love singing bowls. And no, it doesn't hurt their ears!

The acoustic healing capabilities of singing bowls aren't limited to just the human body. Most dogs enjoy calming sounds like classical music (The Labrador Site).

Some dogs may sit down to enjoy the sound, while others doze off. There might even be some tracks your fur baby goes crazy about!

Sound affects humans physically, cognitively, mentally, behaviorally, and spiritually. You might already know that music can actually help plants grow. 

From personal experience, dogs respond positively to mellow music, especially when it emanates relaxing vibrations like that from a singing bowl.

This can be better explained by how the spiritual wheel of energy called chakras connect to sound.

And dogs have chakras just like us.

But unlike the seven major chakras of humans, doggos actually have nine major chakras.

Here, I'll list them so it's easy for you to track them!

  • Root chakra
  • Sacral chakra
  • Solar Plexus chakra
  • Heart Chakra
  • Throat chakra
  • Third eye chakra
  • Crown chakra
  • Sensory chakra 
  • Brachial chakra

The additional two chakras help dogs get a deeper sense of their surroundings.

In a way, our fur babies have an intense connection with spirituality, even more than we do.

Perhaps that's why singing bowls won't hurt your dog's ears, but heal them. Due to their extra chakras, the deep sounds of singing bowl vibrations are soothing to most dogs.

That said, just like loud music can create hearing loss in dogs, it's best not to get too loud with your bowls. Hence, I always recommend that dog parents mute their singing bowl sounds to create a calming ambiance. 

When To Use Singing Bowls For Dogs? 

When is it actually good to use singing bowls around your dog? The answer: there are so many perfect times!

For starters, singing bowls are a great tool to relax most doggos. It's especially good for dogs to discover their inner energy of tranquility.

Secondly, if your dog has anxiety problems, singing bowls can do the same thing they do to us- slow down their heart and breath rate to calm them ultimately. It further relaxes a dog's body of chakras to lead into a sleep brain state much more quickly than in humans.

But my absolute favorite use of singing bowls is for dogs who have a terrible time or reactions to loud noises. On top of it, soft-sounding bowls can be perfect for drowning out stressful sounds easily. The icing on the cake is that the sound of singing bowls can impart a deep sense of well-being to doggos.

If you're welcoming a new dog into your family, try singing bowls to tone down distractions when training them. They're a relaxing way to catch their attention, especially with hyperactive dogs. .

Psychics says you can cleanse the chakra and aura of your dog with the acoustic vibrations of a sound bowl!

How To Use Singing Bowls For Dogs?

If this is your first time playing singing bowl for your dog, I suggest starting with soft and low tones. When you're doing so, check what your fur baby is doing. Don't play a full session if you catch them wincing or avoiding any tone. They will "tell" you whether they enjoy it or not, if you pay attention to what they do. 

The second way to use a singing bowl for your puppy or doggy is by playing with the bowl while sitting close to them. If your doggo has settled down calmly, play the sound by moving around them so that the vibrations touch everywhere.

I also love to diffuse my Ohm oil blend so that we're both soaked in calming vibrations.

But the real trick for making any singing bowl sound soothing to your doggy is by water charging it. This will mute loud sounds.

As a bonus tip, you can also strike the bowl intermittently instead of continuously playing to see what's good.

Things To Remember When Using Singing Bowls For Dogs

Most doggos are like babies, right? They get too happy and sad quickly. So, you need to make sure your doggy is comfortable with the sound you're playing with the bowl.

First, see how two dogs that love singing bowls behave.

Sound Bath for Dogs 🐶 Dog Anxiety Music 🦴 Crystal Singing Bowls 4 Puppies  🦮 Dog TV 🐕 Dog Meditation

There are two fundamental rules to bear in mind.

The first rule is to always watch your dog. 

Dogs that like the sound of a singing bowl won't run away, wince, or get agitated but explore the sound. Some doggos might even put their head into the bowl at first. And others might wag their tails in approval.

If your dog is running off from the sound, take the cue and don't play that bowl. You should check if they're engaged via body language like stretching, resting, or laying down. Slowed breathing is a good sign of an engaged doggo! If they are really excited, they may howl even!

The hilarious thing is that your dog may even check the sound bowl for food before moving on.

The last rule is not to play singing bowls around vicious or aggressive doggos.

That said, dog rescuers use music to calm down aggressive dogs!

Ready To Play Singing Bowls For Your Favorite Doggo?

Different dogs have different techniques to show their appreciation or love when they like something you're doing. The same goes for things that they don't want too.

That's why it's crucial to listen to your doggy's movements and body language when playing Tibetan bowls.

You should also make sure the setting is loving, supportive, and without strangers so that your doggo can fully soak in the music. Some say singing bowls calm doggos and boosts their self-confidence or enjoyment outdoors.

I say, let your doggo in on the healing energies of singing bowls. Why should you have all the fun?

When you try, share how your furball liked it too!